There’s a photo I love to share
I’m flying over the Hudson
in a tiny plane
sporting giant headphones
a blonde side braid
John Lennon shades
a toothless grin.

Out of frame
my pilot friend observes
what he perceives as peace.

Later that day
after we land
in a Jersey field
order fries and Cokes
at a local bar
that might seem airlifted
out of Missouri
or Kentucky
or Arkansas
with the addition
of some Confederate flags
some animal corpses
he’ll tell me
I’m a lovely companion
he’ll praise my composure.

I’ll smile
take the compliment
even thank him for it
never admitting
I pictured falling
and didn’t feel a thing.

Elizabeth “Liz” Enochs is a writer from southeast Missouri. More often than not, you’ll find her in the woods. You can check out Liz’s writings on her website.