

Photos by Ethan Jacobs The bookbag is a ruse, makes me look competent like I know where I’m going or what I’m doing. I don’t think anyone suspects I’m moving around with contraband: a stolen bundle of bed sheets that used to be white. By dawn, they were blotchy—red,...
Becoming Alive in Bosa

Becoming Alive in Bosa

Photos by Claudia Lundahl We land in Alghero and the air feels like a warm bath, tepid and gentle, soothing my senses – a corporeal lullaby that triggers an immediate shift in my mindscape. I’ve been here before, several years ago, and my body seems to remember. I...
Antakya, Before

Antakya, Before

I arrived in Antakya with my partner during Türkiye’s kurban bayramı, a week in the thick of summer that everyone takes off to celebrate Eid al-Adha. The city was sleepy and quiet, with heat rising up from the cobblestone streets. After a twelve-hour night bus from...


Photo by Sandy Wicks, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons In the weeks preceding my trip to Oslo, my father insisted I should go and see Freya. Our phone conversations kept returning to the unfortunate walrus, mirroring the ways in which she had ceaselessly returned...
Blind Date at the Natural History Museum Bergen

Blind Date at the Natural History Museum Bergen

Photo: D. Ribeiro / Shutterstock.com Maya arranged it. ‘He’s your type,’ she said, as we ate lunch between classes in our favourite alcove where students never interrupt us. ‘What does that mean?’ I said, pushing my tray aside. I’d read an article that morning about...