Photo by Ken Lund / CC BY she was short & pretty with as I remember huge green eyes & when the cops circled my car at the supermarket since I had out-of-state plates, so I must be a one-woman crime wave, the cashier was absolutely open with me & with the...
such a small island, but it’s all highwayand winding road men with hats, men without hatsinside & out men at workdo the safety dance / my father’s idiot friendin constant orbit an ’80s movie montage:pizza, pac-man& percussion my...
When traveling in the desert, you judgethirst by touching the tip of your tongueto the inside of your cheek. The canyon trek is harsh, and every breath feels like breathing inthe beginning of time, and tastes like ancient salt,mined from the bones of the wind. This...
there are two men in my assigned bathtub.One claims the middle seat.I like the middle he announces.It sounds sexual but isn’t. He’s an all-beige man, with bleached skin and bleached teeth, the color of an over-proofed virgin. No one listens to him or the hymns he is...
“The Gilroy Garlic Shoppe” by Scott Schrantz is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0 or every time I feel like a bird struck by a plane & then falling toward the world below, I think about the dayI stumbled into Gilroy known chiefly for its garlic—the stench of...
Photo: U.S. Navy photo by Wendy Hallmark, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons where, in the humid, I girl again, and hermit, a reluctant amphibian, run circles—relearning how to breathe this percentage. Of leg ache and preemptive grief. It rains alternate days while...