The sun sets over an endless sea, flashing a mysterious green, while a purple squall stomps on the horizon. I stand in the middle of a sandy island the size of a graveyard, and just as flat. This is exactly what I want after the last ten months—time alone on a...
Like a bronze-colored sky god, he extends his arms to his sides. He bows his head in service to her expansive beauty. He turns to grab his board, but before entering the surf, he marks the sand with his feet—maybe in x’s. He repeats this motion three times as if he’s...
I walk by the side of the road in my best white mu’umu’u, my hair wild. I am waiting for someone to notice me out of the corner of their eye, someone who doesn’t know the rule. You wen remember for make teri chicken musubi, right? No like get da white lady on us this...