Off Campus

Off Campus

Photo: AlexiusHoratius, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons Dawn in Poughkeepsie should not be underestimated. When you come from a place that is no place in particular, you don’t own the pen that writes towns off. I was not granted Brooklyn’s dry wit or Santa Fe’s...
Empire State

Empire State

Photo: Beyond My Ken, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons 1.Every bodypersists in its stateof rest or somnambulantmotion unless awakenedby a force.Only in the clinch instant, the fluttering lids,the unexpected reversal,a life is jerked awake. 2.At the level of...
Self Portrait at Touchstone Wildlife Museum

Self Portrait at Touchstone Wildlife Museum

Photo: “Touchstone Wildlife and Art Museum, Haughton” by Shreveport-Bossier Convention and Tourist Bureau is licensed under CC BY 2.0 It’s hard to remember not to coo at the babies,the soft swirls of the raccoon kits’ fur, the little white teethlining the lion...
French Press

French Press

Photo:Kidfly182, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons It’s autumn when I move into a Brooklyn apartment with two dudes from California who wear tight pants and smoke Lucky Strike cigarettes. They ask if I’ve ever had French press coffee — I reckon they think people...
Good Friday

Good Friday

Photo by Jane Hammons The sun risen but still low, light falling on the llano eery, cloud buffed, not bright but clear. I have my good camera with me for the annual procession to Santuario de Chimayó and am tempted to pull over to shoot the roadside altars refurbished...
The Texas Motor Speedway COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic

The Texas Motor Speedway COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic

Photo: University of College / I hadn’t been there since I was a teenager.My father got free tickets from a DuPont salesman at the plant& we waited to hear Jeff Gordon talk about industrial paint before the race.Now, I’m waiting for something...