Miracle in Union Station

Miracle in Union Station

The Alphabet Disciple greets me with open arms in the lobby at the train station. “Welcome stranger,” he says, “to the City of Angels.” He’s wearing faded jeans and an L.A. Kings T-shirt. It’s 8:00 a.m. on a Tuesday and I’ve just arrived from my hometown. I’ve got an...
Center of the Universe, Tulsa

Center of the Universe, Tulsa

Photo: Kit Leong / Shutterstock.com I stand in the middle of this tiled circle, and I hear my voice echoed back at me. It rebounds through one ear and out the other and it’s a dizzying experience. Lauren stands at my back, hearing her own voice. The sky is perfectly...
At Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge

At Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge

Photo by Linda Harms / Shutterstock.com The snow geese descend, leaning back, it seems, against the pond, as they land,wings out—for drag? For balance? I never think about flying in the way creatures with wings do. The mechanics, I mean. In my dreams, it seems...
A Few Of Their Favorite Things

A Few Of Their Favorite Things

from The Muu-Antiques, a novel by Shome Dasgupta CHAPTER 21      Percy knocked on Macy’s door. He wore gray slacks and a button-up, long-sleeved dark blue shirt. He held a tie in one hand and flowers in the other. He had pulled them from Macy’s garden—a collection of...
On The Way

On The Way

This story, authored by newspaper columnist Yente Serdatsky, was first published in the Yiddish daily “Forverts” on July 3, 1921.  The following translation, by Dalia Wolfson, was made possible with support from the Yiddish Book Center. Summertime my...
The Clementine of Enlightenment

The Clementine of Enlightenment

      “Take it,” the stranger says, stretching the clementine wedge toward me. I smell the promise of sweet citrus and a hint of myrrh. My mouth waters, but I resist. I hear Nina’s voice echoing in my mind: Did she wash the skin before she peeled it? Are her hands...