ode to the Court Square–23rd Street passageway

ode to the Court Square–23rd Street passageway

Photo by Erica Weidner from the ⒺⓂ to the Ⓖ, mosaics burst from subway tile walls:a pop of color in my grim grey commute,a rush of freedom running between crowded trains.suns explode with crimson color against turquoise skies,lines of orange and green stem from...
Into the World There Came a Soul Called Ida

Into the World There Came a Soul Called Ida

“Ivan Albright’s ‘Into the World there Came a Soul Called Ida,’ Art Institute Chicago by jennifer yin is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0 (Ivan Albright, 1929-30) It is strange becoming your mother watching the pills line upstalwart soldiers...
Chagall Windows

Chagall Windows

Photo by ParentingPatch, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons A woman sits down beside you in Gallery 114. “Do you know,” she says, “these were installed just as my mother was dying. “As she got sick, got worse, got that terrible treatment.” You look at her and...
Ode to the Magic

Ode to the Magic

Photo: aceshot1 / Shutterstock.com Gardens, more glitter than greenery. South Street sermonof wishes made, coins tossed into the chromium chasm. Hallowed be the absinthe-tinted bottles, bicycle wheelsunmoving and tile trails, each piece a mosaicked religion we worship...
Ghost Ballet

Ghost Ballet

Photo by Steve Heap / Shutterstock.com My hometown has suspicioustaste in communal art: there is a rollercoaster by the river—the one that flooded its banks in 2010, whichno one remembers unless you were there; unlessyou felt water pouring two days straight and...