If Time Is an Illusion

If Time Is an Illusion

“Then you can paint tomorrow any color you want,” Uncle Kev tells me while in Chartres, circa 2004, while walking below the flying buttresses and stained glass windows of the Cathedral, when he points to the tolling bronze bells and says, “First watch the sounds of...
Loneliness of the Long-Distance Woman

Loneliness of the Long-Distance Woman

Photo by George Sheldon / Shutterstock.com Here you are in a room in the Hotel Bologna on the periphery of a fantastic city. He has gone. Today, about his business – the conference, the lectures, the colleagues. The morning is yours. Cool shirt with sleeves to hide...
Lost in the Crossroads at Lavapiés Quarter

Lost in the Crossroads at Lavapiés Quarter

Photo: Luis García, CC BY-SA 3.0 ES, via Wikimedia Commons The square in Lavapiés quarter is a true crossroad, a slippery one, as a matter of fact. It’s a plaza that slides down or up, always depending on your point of view. It’s neither flat nor...
A Visit to the Azulejos Museum

A Visit to the Azulejos Museum

On our last day in Lisbon, he wanted to find an Irish bar so that we could go and watch some rugby match that was on, but we were supposed to be learning to communicate, and like the therapist said, he was supposed to be listening to me and also hearing me. So when I...