Angel Island Ferry

Angel Island Ferry

1. In the boat’s wake:a range of mountains,arching spine of peaks and valleys molded into the pliant sea. The path forward: littered with driftwood. 2. The earth’s anxiety in the liminal spaces: maelstrom of birds, the wind’s long howl, arrhythmic ocean swelling and...
This is how I drink whiskey in the morning

This is how I drink whiskey in the morning

The same guy who gave Ron Swanson a snifter at Lagavulin was the same guy who taught me how to pull whiskey from a barrel, a skill I’ve never used since. In 2016, he was smaller than on TV, only to my shoulder, and I wondered how we shrank over time and in real life,...
Queen Bess Island

Queen Bess Island

Pull your boat up to the shore here nowwith hundreds of pelicans in flight above the island, their nests scatteredin the mangrove bushes all over this place, and you’d never guessit was a ghost of itself five years ago, just a ring of stone with barely enoughgrass to...
Looking for Judy @ Books and Books

Looking for Judy @ Books and Books

Photo: Helen89 / Five different times during our seven day visit,we trekked over to Eaton Street. Our facespressed the glass window, our hands cuppedour eyes. Looking for Judy. We donned our masks, meandered aisles.Perused displays. Eventually spent...
Untitled Puerto Rico poem

Untitled Puerto Rico poem

such a small island, but it’s all highwayand winding road men with hats, men without hatsinside & out men at workdo the safety dance / my father’s idiot friendin constant orbit an ’80s movie montage:pizza, pac-man& percussion my...