Miracle in Union Station

Miracle in Union Station

The Alphabet Disciple greets me with open arms in the lobby at the train station. “Welcome stranger,” he says, “to the City of Angels.” He’s wearing faded jeans and an L.A. Kings T-shirt. It’s 8:00 a.m. on a Tuesday and I’ve just arrived from my hometown. I’ve got an...
Some People On December 28

Some People On December 28

Photo: Emelissamn / Shutterstock.com Another day of pruning, another fake-out rain. Never halfway to average here in L.A.Donner Pass is snowed in again. Screen door open to the risk of traffic on the Five.If the dog doesn’t chase that dove, the cold might scrub...
Venice Boulevard, March 2019

Venice Boulevard, March 2019

It was the before-times,as we like to say.Before the return of the drought.Before losspiled on lossafter loss. The late afternoon shone goldenthrough my dusty windshield.My teeth vibratedwith the boomof someone else’s musicas I waited for the lightto change. And then ...
La Brea Tar Pits

La Brea Tar Pits

I didn’t expect so many children to fill Hancock Park mid-morning on a Tuesday. They are likely spillover from the nearby Children’s Museum, whirling like metallic tops across patches of yellowed grass. A neon-pink posse in matching camp shirts surround the lake pit,...