Becoming Alive in Bosa

Becoming Alive in Bosa

Photos by Claudia Lundahl We land in Alghero and the air feels like a warm bath, tepid and gentle, soothing my senses – a corporeal lullaby that triggers an immediate shift in my mindscape. I’ve been here before, several years ago, and my body seems to remember. I...
On The Way

On The Way

This story, authored by newspaper columnist Yente Serdatsky, was first published in the Yiddish daily “Forverts” on July 3, 1921.  The following translation, by Dalia Wolfson, was made possible with support from the Yiddish Book Center. Summertime my...
The End of the World at Weko Beach

The End of the World at Weko Beach

Before the asteroid hits, we pack up the car. Swimsuits and sun hats, coloring books, a fully stocked diaper bag, though the toddler is almost potty trained—another week or two and she would’ve had it. The pills you stole from the med room at work, just in case. Trail...
Cocktails & Dreams, Baga, Goa

Cocktails & Dreams, Baga, Goa

Photo by Alexanderphoto7 / quantum of pepper in a Bloody Mary so perfectequates tipsy to happyrolling down my throatin jeeps of pinwheel candyseducing stomachyou Sir be a fine mess belly blushing a baby’s pinkmy frame a door to seaweed pleasure to...
Self-Portrait at Agios Pavlos

Self-Portrait at Agios Pavlos

Molten candy peach nectar streams over lips salty- licked, pistachios shucked on steep dunes, stoic veined bookends, marble slipping welcome into cotton gloves worn by the waves. The sea open tide all the way to Africa. My spaces draw onto creased linen, fried rigid...