Mixed State

Mixed State

Johnkan0301, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons I make it to Tawas Point State Park on the 25th of November around one or two in the afternoon, although the position of the sun makes it feel later. I am on foot–I am all feet, my mind compacted into the most...
Chesapeake Bay Haibun

Chesapeake Bay Haibun

“Annapolis, Maryland” by m01229 is licensed under CC BY 2.0 For sale at the arts market: golden Coors carved into blue crabs, lavender bundled from beachside gardens, Cheerio-shaped glass pendants—one sweet with the same amber color that black hair makes...
Last Resort

Last Resort

“Nubble Light and Rushing Water” by Eric Kilby is licensed under CC BY 2.0 It turned out there were two vacation spots in coastal Maine boasting the name Anchorage. One was the quaint, upscale resort along the Marginal Way in Ogunquit that was my mother’s...
Itchy in Iceland

Itchy in Iceland

Photo by Prosthetic Head – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0 At almost 22 years old, I still hadn’t had a real boyfriend. My love life up to that point consisted of unrequited crushes, celebrity obsessions, and a few random hook-ups, my virginity zapped by a guy who’d told...
Wishing Well

Wishing Well

Photo by Brian Benson About a decade ago, when I was as directionless and angsty and heartbroken as I’ve ever been, I went on a boat ride with two of my best friends, Galen and Reid. I call it a “boat ride” because if I say it was a trip down the Mississippi, you’ll...
Lake Nokomis, Minneapolis

Lake Nokomis, Minneapolis

Runner1928 via Wikimedia Commons. License:CC BY-SA 3.0 Photo: Runner1928, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons I have no words for the strangeness I sawthat day in the lake or the monstroussadness it rose in me. What I know is after Iheard the sigh of a splash, two...