Photo by Erica Weidner from the ⒺⓂ to the Ⓖ, mosaics burst from subway tile walls:a pop of color in my grim grey commute,a rush of freedom running between crowded trains.suns explode with crimson color against turquoise skies,lines of orange and green stem from...
Photo: Kamira / The first time I was in New York, I was fifteen, my brother was eighteen, and we had two suitcases plus four unexpected hours before a flight. We left our bags in this girl Megan’s hotel room—a camp friend of his, long story—and...
Photo by Alexander Reitter / This is a story of grease, and the bonds it forms. We were three good Jewish boys, Flatbush yeshiva bochurim, and when we went about breaking the law of our forefathers, we did so thoroughly and with care and diligence....
Photo by Jay Dobkin, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons Before I walk you to the train, I have to stoplooking at you for the hour preceding thismoment, in which we are late to the train & you are, therefore, late to your new job, & in thispre-moment, which...
Illustration by Amy Bobeda I am walking in madison square parkit is busypeople are going,to eatalyfor pistachio pastemy bag,is fullof spices from kalustyan’swhere a coupledancedin front of the halva because they are getting marriedI am walking past a man in a hammock...